After watching these clips, you’ll definitely think twice about wanting a daughter.
Social media has rapidly transformed the world. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have become integral parts of daily life. While these platforms bring a lot of positivity—creativity, connection, and entertainment—they also have darker sides that worry many parents, particularly those with young children and teenagers. The constant flow of trends and videos on social media makes parenting in the digital age more complicated than ever. For some, it even raises the question: is having a daughter extra challenging in a world full of online pressure and trends?
The challenge of online trends
Platforms like TikTok boast millions of users, young and old. For many teenagers, it’s the place to express themselves and participate in popular trends. While this may seem harmless at first glance, there’s a downside. The trends on social media often focus on appearance, fashion, and popularity, which can put pressure on young people—especially girls—to conform to unrealistic standards.
From dance challenges to beauty filters, the constant emphasis on presentation and perfection can lead to insecurity and even mental health problems. “You’re seeing girls get more and more focused on how they look and how they come across, from younger ages,” says a youth culture expert. “Social media plays a huge role here, as the comparison material is endless. This can have a negative impact on their self-image.”
Online visibility and reactions
One of the biggest concerns surrounding social media is how young people present themselves. Videos and photos that go viral often contain content focused on appearance or popularity. This pressures girls to conform to these norms, often without realizing the consequences.
The issue isn’t just what young people share, but also how others react to it. Going viral on platforms like TikTok can lead to thousands, even millions, of views, but it often comes with unwanted attention, including negative or even harmful comments. Parents worry about how to protect a daughter from the pressure of this online world and the potential risks that come with it.
The mental impact of social media
The mental impact of social media on young people is an increasingly discussed topic. Research shows that girls are particularly sensitive to the negative effects of social media, such as insecurity, peer pressure, and low self-esteem. The constant comparison to others, combined with the desire for likes and views, can be a heavy burden.
For parents of daughters, this can be particularly concerning. “You want to raise your child to understand that she’s great just as she is, but it almost feels impossible when the world around her says something else,” says a mother of a teenage daughter. “I’m constantly trying to explain that what you see online is often not reality, but it’s a fight against the current.”